2 Months
Hannah Tam, Yining Liu
We started the project from the desktop research to understand the differences between fast and slow fashion. And we found out that main difference lies in the environmental impact as fast fashion has 50 cycles per year while 2-3 cycles for traditional fashion. In addition to the pollution caused by fast iteration cycle of fast fashion, it’s also known for the unethical laboring.
Problem Statement
How might we increase customers’ awareness of the ethical and environmental
impact of their clothing purchases?
Research Methods
Competitive Analysis
3 In-Store Experience
Perceptual Survey
36 Responses
Stakeholder Interviews
7 Interviews
Affinity Diagraming
~150 Notes
Key Findings
- Customers are kept in the dark when it comes to knowing the information behind their clothes.
- Customers are familiar with fast fashion, but don’t know the full extent of its impact.
- It is difficult for customers to connect to the benefits of slow fashion.
Final Solutions - Web Extension & Dashboard Website
Purchase History
This provides the user a total inventory of their online purchases. This makes users mindful of the number of items they are buying.
The extension gives the user a snapshot view of the environmental and ethical impact a user would be creating by purchasing the item they are browsing.
The website dashboard visualizes a user’s impact from all purchases. These numbers provide specific statistics to the user, to make their impact more tangible and create a stronger connection to the consequences behind a user’s choices.
Community Page
The community page spreads awareness and motivates others to become conscious about their purchases too. The page sends the message that one user’s impact is part of a larger movement of conscious shoppers’ efforts.
1 Month
Yining Liu
Home Valley is a local farm produce delivery service targeting young customer groups who mainly shop at grocery stores or eat at restaurants. We want to provide customers with local sourced, healthy, and fresh produces that are also accessible.
About Brand Name
Sourcing locally is a sustainable option that supports local agriculture and economy while reducing pollution caused by long-distance delivery.  In order to  bring back the sense of “community” in the shopping experience and create the feeling of “ownership” to the farm land, we use “Home Valley” to deliver a cozy and friendly image that can connect with the customers.
Competitive Analysis
Positioning Matrix
Business Model Canvas
Value Proposition
For customers, our value firstly lies in the convenience of this service compared to other grocery shopping methods, which means there’s no extra investment in the option especially for our primary customer group who values efficiency and convenience when it comes to daily grocery shopping. Moreover, it gives people who want to support local agriculture a ready way to do so. By making the source of produce and their contribution to local farms more transparent, we want to help build the connection between consumers and farmers, thus encourage long-term participation of both sides.
We want to provide farmers, especially those who run small scale family farms, with another steady income source through our platform by increasing their social presence and by compensating the variety of products between different CSA farms.
Since currently the majority of customers to CSA are middle class households who have a more stable life style, we believe there’s an opportunity to absorb younger customers to purchase local produces, by understanding their needs and life styles.
Brand Elements
The logo was inspired by the name “Home Valley”, and intends to depict a thriving valley that delivers a lively,  welcoming feeling to customers.
Color Palette
ThreadedHome Valley-Branding Design
© 2021 — Yining Liu
Atlanta, GA, 30309